In 2010, a young man and woman, the founders of Darry Ring, fell deeply in love. They knew in their hearts they had found their one and only love for life. The young man spent all of his money on a simple yet beautiful diamond ring, knowing that he would only buy one; one ring that would symbolize the love, devotion, and commitment that they would share forever.

One Love, One Lifetime

Our Meaning

Your solemn vow to your life partner is symbolized by the choice of a Darry Ring that you can only buy for one person. At Darry Ring, we believe in true love. We offer continued support because we too, are in it for a lifetime.

Our Mission

At Darry Ring, our mission is to become supporters and champions of true love, who help to create a world full of love, trust and commitment. We are devoted to creating jewelry and exclusive rings that make you feel the ultimate beauty of love.
True love is intangible, but the Darry Ring ID and your True Love Agreement will hold this promise of fidelity, commitment, and devotion securely in your hearts.

Our Approach

Our corporate culture, from sales to management, to production and customer service, is consistently based on our devotion to customer happiness and satisfaction. Our award-winning designs and superior craftsmanship show our sense of dedication to customer satisfaction and value, and to making each and every piece of stunning jewelry a gift that you will cherish forever.